
FOTD: Black & White makes Monochrome Maquillage

Monochrome inspired make-up: a theme that was quite abstract, but I did know what I wanted to do. I wanted black, white, red, and tight lines. Just black and white seemed a bit boring, hence the added colour. 

For this week I also decided to skip the Sunday Solutions and I will explain that too in this post.

I have many pictures for you, so keep on reading!

So let me start with a quick explanation about the Sal's Sunday Solution post. I decided to skip this week because of several reasons. Don't worry though: the post will not disappear! This week was really hectic because I had to work a few days with no pause inbetween. Also, the long and hot days here caused me to be exhausted. I just didn't have the energy to compose a new post. I'm a perfectionist and spend at least 2 hours per post, so you can imagine why I didn't have the energy. PLUS I decided to do the Sunday Solutions every other Sunday, to keep my blog variated. Lately I felt like I missed diversity on my blog, so that's the decision I took :) Hope you understand! SO: the post isn't disappearing! But instead of 4 times a month, it's here twice a month :) 

OKAY soooooo about this post. This week's theme for the weekly make-up tag is Monochrome. I didn't really know how to get to work with this theme, but an image immediately popped up and that's what I worked out! I went for two thick winged liners, a black and a white one, I went for extra highlighter and for a deep red lipstick. In real life it's a lot deeper than on pictures. It's more like a bloody red. Okay, that didn't sound well..

Anyyyway, check out how the other ladies did the tag by clicking here and enjoy!

PS: I'm growing out my brows (yes, again) so excuse the messy look.
PS2: Please check out the name of the lipstick I used. You'll love it. I love it. Let's love it together.

Products I used

  • Rimmel Stay Matte Long Lasting Pressed Powder - 005 Silky Beige
  • Urban Decay Naked2Palette - Verve (highlight) & Tease (contour)
  • Rimmel Natural Bronzer - 022 Sun Bronze
  • Sephora Eyeshadow - I love the 80's N68 (blush)


  • Sephora Long-lasting Eyeliner - 01 Black
  • Gosh Kohl Eyeliner - White
  • Maybelline Eyestudio Mono Eyeshadow - 01 Snow White
  • Max Factor Masterpiece Mascara - Black Waterproof


  • Too Faced Lip of Luxury - Drop Dead Red (THAT NAME, I LOVE IT. Also main reason why I bought it tihihihi)

Now on to the maquillage!

That's actually a pretty wearable look, right? Right?? I have to be honest: even though I have a superduper amazing new camera, the pictures still don't do this look any justice (maybe it's the flash?). I was staring at myself the whole time with this make-up, because it looked DOPE! (Can I still say that? Or is that soooo last decade? I don't know, please tell me if you do. I don't want to look un-cool..)

What do you think of this look?
Would you wear this look on a casual day?

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  1. Lovely gal! Love the lippie!! xx

    1. Thank you, Vic! I'm obsessed by it too! X

  2. the lipstick is gorgeousss!
    I do love it ;)
    haha Love the look too! xx

  3. You have an amazing skin. Love the look:) xx

    1. Thank you love! But it's all makeup & the right lightening, really haha :) X

  4. Yayyy! New post!! My eyes went immediately to your face! Zo mooooi en je makeup is DOPE! Of we t nog kunnen zeggen maakt helemaal geen ruk uit! We maken wel een uitzondering!!!! X

    1. Yaayyy indeed! Ahh dank je wellll! Vind ik leuk als jij dat zegt tihihihi. Ja he? Dope kan nog? Ik gebruik het gewoon!!! X

  5. Amazing! That lipstick truly is amazing and I love the name as well ;))


    1. Thank you, Deja! Oh yes, the name is the main reason I bought it lol! X

  6. WOA! Draagbaar? Hell to tha yes! Ik houd van de dikke grove eyeliner die zo fijn is aangebracht, clean and gorgeous. De witte eyeliner daarboven.. totally blew me away. Zwart met wit blijf ik een mooie eyeliner combinatie vinden. :) Het is zo fresh, maar ook het contrast is awesome. Laten we de rode lippen niet vergeten. Wauw. :)

    1. Oh Cynthia, ik ben gek op jouw comments altijd! Dank dank dank! Het was een hele klus, maar het is toch gelukt om 'm clean te krijgen. Ik ben ook gek op de combi van de klassieke kleuren om precies dezelfde reden als jij! Echt leuk je comment, dank je! <3

  7. You look amazing Sal - that make-up would look fantastic on a gig! Is there any look you can't pull off? :) x

    1. Thank you, Jenny! I'm thinking about wearing it more often, too! Aw thank you, but I'm sure there are many looks!! X

  8. Love this look, you look so amazing! Kinda reminds me of the KISS make up but a lil bit more wearable! haha

    1. Thank you, Emily! Oh, you're right! It does kinda look like the KISS makeup! X

  9. I absolutely adore this eye-makeup look!

    I actually would wear it on a casual day!


    1. Thank you, Emmie! It's pretty wearable, right? :) X

  10. Amazing make up!!!Your blog is lovely!!!! Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin' ? xxx
    Gleaming Spire * Bloglovin'

  11. what product/shade do you use to fill in your eyebrows when you do decide to fill them in? i have around the same colored eyebrows as you and whenever i try to fill them in they look weird.

    1. I actually never fill them in, because they're so dark. But if I do (for a makeup look for my blog for example) I use a dark brown (never black!) eyeshadow. Mostly I use Bark from the Sleek Au Naturel palette :) X

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Such a lovely look it suits you really well - then again I think you can sport most if not all make up looks. xx

    1. Thank you so much, Ina! Aw that's so nice of you to say!! X

  14. Echt super mooi!
    Ik doe alleen soms wit onder mijn ogen, maar eigenlijk gebruik ik het niet vaak.

    Kiki | Chicks About Fashion

    1. Dank je! Ik normaal ook, maar dit keer ging ik eens voor wat anders! X

  15. The eyes are so 60's, they'd work so well with peachy lips if you were going for that kind of look. Love it with your signature red lippy though ;) xx

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! Yeah I think it'll look great with peach lips too, for a more toned down look :) X

  16. As usual Sal your looks are amazing! xx

  17. Very feline and very kwl. Lips deserve a Maybelline ad xx

  18. i like this look


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