
Beauty Tip: How to use oil in your hair

Every girl has her beauty secrets and I'm actually willing to share them! Coming from a rich culture that has a big focus on beauty, I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve. Every Sunday I will share a beauty tip with my lovely readers!

As you all know I'm a big fan of putting oil in my hair instead of hair masks. A few girls asked me what oils to use, how you get the best results and how you use an oil in your hair. It's very easy, my dear ladies! Just keep on reading :) 

Many women ask me how I keep my curls so beautiful and nourished. Oils, my friend, natural oils! I wrote quite some posts about them, but here's how to apply those oils. 

So how to use an oil in your hair. The best way and also my favourite way to put oil in the hair is by heating it up a little. Not too much, just so it gets a bit warm. Then start by applying it on the ends and work your way up. If your hair gets greasy easily, avoid your scalp. If not, massage some of the oil on the scalp. I actually recommend doing this because of two reasons:
  1. Oils are amazing for (dry) areas like your scalp. Most oils have a healing working and they'll do wonders for your scalp. I highly recommend oils on your scalp when you have dandruff, itchy scalp and/or a dry hair type.
  2. It will help your hair grow faster and stronger. Massaging your scalp will stimulate the blood circulation. Using a warm oil will help the hair grow back stronger. Read my post on my favourite oils to see which oil will suit your preferences best. 

After you applied a royal amount of oil on your hair, comb it through so it'll spread evenly. If necessary, apply more oil on the ends, because the ends tend to be drier than the rest of your hair. 

Then you have two options.
  1. Put your hair in a high bun. Make sure it's a tight bun, because the oil will make your hair heavier. 
  2. Braid your hair, like I did in the picture above. I prefer a braid, because the oil will make your hair heavy. I have very thick hair, so if I put oil in it and put it in a bun, I'll get a headache because it's just way too heavy for me. Make sure you wear an old t-shirt! Oh, and the picture of my braid is an old picture. My hair is way longer now. I took the picture a loooong time ago, because I've been wanting to write this post for so long. 

Once you chose what hair style you're going for, put a plastic bag or clean shower cap over your hair and over the plastic bag a towel. This will help to keep the heat of your scalp that will help with the absorption of the oil. You can leave the oil in as long as you want to, but make sure it's at least half an hour. The longer the better! I like to leave it overnight, so I sleep with the oil in my hair. That way I'm sure that I'll wake up with beautiful hair. If you leave it overnight, put a towel on your pillow in case the towel on your hair gets off in your sleep.

When you're done waiting, it's time to rinse! Important: before you wet your hair, put shampoo in your hair first. I find that this helps to rinse the oil faster. I shampoo twice, but if my hair is very dry I only rinse once to keep some of the oil in my hair. I have curls and curls tend to be drier than "normal" or straight hair. Using a conditioner is not necessary, but I do use it to give my hair that extra nutrition. But I recommend you skip conditioner if you don't have dry hair or curls. The conditioner can make your hair heavy after using the oil and it can also make your hair get greasy faster. 

Then style your hair as you please and enjoy your fully nourished hair! You can use a hair mask once or twice a week for the best results. Don't do it too often, or your hair will get used to it. My favourite oils to use are olive oil, argan oil and coconut oil. You can also mix oils. A while ago I wrote another post about 5 musthave natural oils. Consult that post to see which oil does what! 

The pictures in this post aren't that old, but yes, my hair is a lot longer now. My hair grows like crazy and the oils have helped too! Just 5 centimeter and my hair reaches my butt. Time to go to the hair dresser! :)

Roger that?
Because that was quite some information to read!

I hope so! If you have any questions, you can always contact me or leave a comment below!

What is your favourite oil?

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  1. roger that haha! loved this post, my hair although curly, i thin and vritle and weak! :( youre definetly my hair inspriation, and natural is the way to go :)

    1. Glad you liked it, Nayab! Don't forget to take good care of your hair. Especially when it's in that condition. I'm your hair inspiration? Wauw that's so sweet!! Thank you, it's an honour! :D X

  2. Your hair is beautiful! Thanks for sharing this. Which oil do you prefer to use?

    1. Thank you! My favourite oils to use are olive oil, argan oil and coconut oil, like I mentioned in the post. If my hair gets a bit dull, I prefer argan oil. If it really lacks nutrition I prefer coconut oil or olive oil :) X

  3. What a masterclass! Sal's Sunday Solutions! xx

    1. Thank you! And I like how you call it!! X

  4. Absolute Beuty! I always put it in a pleit too but not like this! Going to try it x

    1. Thank you, my love!! Let me know how you experience it! :) X

  5. You're stunning and you have stunning hair! I'm so jealous lol. I need to oil my hair much more from now :) xxx

    1. Ah thank you so much! You're making me blush.. :) Oil works wonders on your hair! :) X

  6. Wat een fijn artikel! Erg handig! Je hebt ook prachtig haar :)

    1. Dank je wel! Fijn dat je het leuk vindt!! :) X

  7. Your hair is amazing! I have such think hair so I feel like I can never use oils in them. I should try this trick though!

    Thanks for stopping by my site! I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll follow back so we can keep in contact!

    Have a good day!
    xo Sam

    DIY Huntress

    1. Thank you! Thin or thick hair, oil is always a helper! Try massaging castor oil on your scalp to get thicker hair :) It's a pain to rinse it out, but definitely worth it. Thank you for following, Sam! Welcome to my petite blog :) Hope you enjoy your stay! X

  8. Such a great post and definitely needed. I have super dry hair as I've just bleached it. Something I do like twice a year and have done for many years. I'm just too impatient to wait for my hair's natural oils to make it all nice again, so will definitely be raiding the cupboards later and giving my hair some oil treatment. Your hair looks amazing, I don't think I've ever seen curly hair so full of life and shine before. ^_^

    Juyey xx

    1. Thank you! When you bleach your hair, you should definitely take good care of it, before it's too late!! Bleach is so damaging for your hair, but I think you already know that. Try coconut oil for the first few times, as it's the only oil that penetrates the hair shaft and I think you can use that right now :)
      Thank you for your compliment! I try to take good care of my hair! I'm a little proud of the results myself hihi! X

  9. Wow je hebt prachtig haar! Ik heb nog niet echt een favoriet.. ik blijf nieuwe producten uitproberen.. tot nu toe vind ik coconut oil the best! x

    1. Dank je wel, Elvie! Nieuwe dingen uitproberen is altijd erg leuk. Gewoon mee doorgaan, ook als je een favoriet hebt! :) X

  10. Lioness! Love this post! I love using oil in my hair as well. I just started using castor oil recently, makes my hair grow much faster and my hair naturally grows fast too! Also I am trying some new natural products for hair growth, unfortunatelly they are quite time consuming to prepare, but everyhing for beauty! Will have to do a post on it!
    Love these beauty tips!

  11. Your hair is very beautiful! I'm in-between I have wavy hair but its straight on my scalp lol. Thanks for sharing your amazing tips like usual, xxx.

  12. Your curls look so beautiful!!

  13. Love this post I am a fan of olive oil and argan oil usw them at least twice a week but my hair is very thin but oils help so thx for sharing xx

  14. No no no don't cut ur hair its sooo beautiful. I've started oiling my hair the past month I'm seeing a difference bit by bit xx

  15. Okay, I love this! I have curls that look similar to yours and I'm always look for new tips and tricks! When you put the oils in your hair is your hair dry or damp? xoxo

  16. Then there is the old wives tale of kero! This looks amazing for getting rid of those hideous little beasts.. ugh now I have an itchy scalp! das kopfhautjucken


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