
NOTD: Golden Treasure

While shopping I stumbled across this baby. It was on sale and it looked a bit like my all time favourite In The Bronx of Catrice. Being the curious beauty lover I am, I took it with me and here's a little review!

Don't mind the wrinkly, dwarf hands. I cut my nails and my hands are just granny like. Anywhooooo,  the nail polish is from H&M. It's a yellow-gold. Okay, I have nothing good to say about this nail polish, so I'm not going to pretend. I've bought H&M nail polishes in the past and I wasn't very satisfied of those either, but I was willing to give it a second chance. Wrong. So wrong of me to think that.  

Sorry to be so negative, but I'm just giving my honest opinion. Using this was horrible. It has the smallest brush, which made it really hard to apply. But that's not the worst part. The worst is the smell!! My god, this nail polish smells so bad! After applying it, I immediately got a head ache. That's also why I didn't attach a picture of the brush; I couldn't handle the smell!!
But that's not all..

(Again, don't mind the granny dwarf hands.)

Look how the nail polish looks after one day!! And I'm talking about less than 24 hours. This is terrible. I bought it on sale for €2, but in my opinion that's way too much money for this rubbish nail polish. I liked the colour, and maybe I'll use it in nail art, but I won't buy any of these anymore. Ever. 
I think I made my point clear.  

A little comparison with my all time favourite (In The Bronx). 

As you can see the H&M nail polish is a lot lighter and more yellow. My cousin told me to add some black to it, which is a good idea. But that smell!!! I know nail polish doesn't smell nice like roses, but this is really terrible. I could feel the pain in my brain cells. 

Have you ever had a nail polish that's so smelly that you just want to burn it, till there's nothing left of it?
What are your experiences with H&M nail polishes?

Sorry about the pictures not being sharp as always btw. 
My camera just didn't want to focus the way I wanted to!!


  1. Sal..you are sooo funny! This post made me laugh! Your humour really came through! Yep tried HnM polishes in the past and wasn't impressed either. xx

    1. Haha thank you, I guess? Not sure how to react on that, being the awkward midget I am. I was being serious, though! I've tried them before too, but none of them smelled as bad as this one. They do chip real fast! Xxxx

  2. Oh boo, I haven't tried any H&M polishes but I can't stand polish which chips quickly. Such a disappointment x


    1. I recommend you try another brand, because all H&M nail polishes I own chip fast. Normally nail polishes last for days with me! X

  3. Oh, that sucks that it chipped so quickly! I'm with you on the smell. I bought a vanilla scented polish, and I can't stand to use it. Ugh!!

    1. It does! Oh my, a vanilla scented one.. I'm not sure what to expect of that, but I can't imagine it smell good! X

  4. too bad, butthe color is cute

    1. True! Such a shame. H&M should focus on fashion, not on nail polishes. X

  5. AH love it. i need to get my nails done, this is such good motivation/inspiration haha... :>

  6. Love gold nail polish! Have one to from catrice (that brand is awesome!)

    1. I love it too! As long as it's a good one haha. Which one of Catrice do you own? :) X

  7. Lol am i the only one who feel like this is such a funny post? You made me laugh even just from the start. Haha

    Im a new blogger.. I following u now coz i discovered u at beuatybloggersclub.


    Hope u follow back!

  8. Nice colour!



  9. its a beautiful colour, sad its chipped so fast! :(
    hareem xx

    1. So true! My experience with H&M is that they all chip fast, unfortunately X

  10. I hate when that happens! I do try to reuse beauty products in another way though. Following you now :-)

  11. Love the color but I couldn't handle the horrible smell haha and wow, it chipped that bad after one day? Terrible!

    Thanks for your honest opinion

    Xoxo, Adela

    1. No problem! I tried to be as honest as possible! Ugh, horrible isn't it.. And I had to walk like that for hours! I felt like a hobo. X


  12. Hello surfing the net I found you lucky! because your blog is great. I have also bought a gold one but I've been a disappointment. but I love cool like always carry. hehe

    I think if we continue I would be very happy indeed, is but with your permission I stay here on GFC and twitter

    spends a great Thursday

    (excuse my translation)

  13. love this nailpolish on you! it's perfect for fall :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  14. Maybe u like to follow each other!
    Let me know!
    Beautiful color!


    Love from Barcelona


  15. Great nailpolish!! And yes I'm pretty obsessed with food haha. Food is amazing I don't know how anyone can not be obsessed with food!!

  16. Thank you for the honest opinion, always appreciate that :)
    I have 2 H&m polishes, but I didn't mind the smell. BYS polishes smell so much worse. I can't stand those. Even when it dries and you apply top coat. EW!
    Anyways, H&M polishes chip fast, but I thought that was just me, because every polish chips very fast on my nails (because they brake all the time, and take away some polish also.lol)
    Xx Deja

    1. You're welcome! If I love a product, you'll know. If I hate it, you'll know too! I have 2 too, they don't as bad as this one. This is just horrible. I don't know that brand! But I think that's for the best haha. How many coats do you apply? Maybe you can apply one more or use a good top coat! Nail polish don't chip that easily on my nails, so I skip the top coat :) Thanks for your lovely comment, lovely Deja! X

  17. That sucks! Especially that the color looks really nice, I never tried H&M nailpolishes & after reading this I won't anyway, over here they are over-priced, they sell one for around 8 dollars & I know they sell them much less everywhere else so I refuse to buy them, I hope you find a dupe for in the bronx soon love :(

    1. H&M has really nice colours, no doubt about that. However the quality is not that good at allll. Keep the 8 dollar in your pocket and buy yourself something nice that's actually worth your money! Ah thank you! I'm still searching and won't quit until I find it! Thank you for your comment, dear!! :D Xxxxx

  18. Thank you for your comments, amazing ladies!!!! :)


  19. ohhhhhhhhhh, love the colour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  20. love this colour! is so trendy and so winter time! eheh.. ;) i'm following you, hope u can do the same if you like my blog.. ;) kisses*

    love, D

    Blog: http://coral-charm-style.blogspot.pt/
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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Seriously, i have soooo many polishes and none of them is from h&m... U already know the reason!


  23. I want it!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Onwijs mooie kleur :o


  25. i agree with you that the color is stunning! but then it is not that good ): no worries lesson learned xx

    Letters To Juliet


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