FOTD: 1001 A r a b i a n Nights (tutorial)

Looks like I caught the A r a b fever again! I think we have a favourite make up look, you guys! Not to wear daily, bien sûr. Did my mysterious picture got you curious? (Sorry about that, I got a little carried away..)

Keep on reading for more pictures and.. a tutorial!

 (Tip: click on the pictures to enlarge) 

Yes. An A r a b i c inspired make up look, again. Sorry guys, but I actually have two reasons! Our lovely beauty blogger Aqeela has a weekly make up tag I joined and this week the theme was A r a b. You can check out her blogpost here and join too! And second: I had so much fun creating the last Arabic inspired make up look, I couldn't help myself but doing it again. I warned you lovely ladies before!

This look is a bit extreme, but that is the A r a b i c eye look. I used highly pigmented eyeshadows and for the highlighter I used a white.

The products I used
Around the eyes
  • Catrice eyeshadow base
  • Max Factor Colour Precision Eyeshadow - Pearl Beige
  • Max Factor Masterpiece MAX Mascara - Black
  • Max Factor Masterpiece mascara - Black (waterproof)
  • L'Oréal Contour Kohl - 131 Jet Black
  • Catrice Pencil Eyeliner - 070 Golden Bronze (Limited Edition)
  • Sephora Long-lasting Eyeliner - 01 Black
On the eyes
  • Max Factor Mono Earth Spirits - Brinca Bronze (it looks weird, because it was broken and I fixed it)
  • Maybelline Eyestudio Mono - 01 Snow White/Blanc Neige
  • Max Factor black eyeshadow (Don't know the number, but it has a subtle silver shimmer)
  • Catrice High Pearl Eyeshadow - Luscious Green
On the lips
  • MAC Pro Longwear - Unlimited
  • L'Oréal Glam Shine 6h - 110 Addictive Peach
On the face
  • Max Factor Mastertouch Concealer - 303 Ivory
  • Max Factor Second Skin Foundation - 070 Natural
  • Smashbox Photo Finish Primer
  • Maybelline Expert Wear Blush - 57 Peach
  • H&M Blusher - 12. Dazzling Peach

Okay, so let's get started! 

NOTE: I was already wearing mascara when doing this tutorial. I had no time to remove it. Shame on my, I know.

1. Apply an eyeshadow base and put a piece of tape from the outer corner of your eye to the end of your eyebrow. I put the tape a bit under the outer corner of my eye, so I can make my eyes a little bigger. Tip: stick the tape on your hand first to remove stickiness. You're applying it around the eyes, a sensitive area.
2. In a V-shape you apply black pencil on your lid. Wing it up a little. Don't worry about it not being neat. 
3. Blend the pencil.

4. Apply a gold eye pencil on the other half of your lid. Doesn't have to be neat. I also applied it under my lower lid, but later on I decided I didn't want this anymore haha.
5. Apply a black eyeshadow over the black pencil.
6. Apply a gold eye shadow over the gold pencil. 

7. To blend the gold with the black and to give a little extra, blend the gold and black with an olive green eyeshadow. 
8. Blend well.

9. Apply a highlighter on your browbone. Before I applied a white eyeshadow, I used a liquid eyeshadow (in an off-white colour) to make the highlighter stand out more.
10. Also apply highlighter in the inner corner of your eyes and blend with the gold.

11. Apply black eye pencil on your waterline. Make sure you get between your lashes too.
12. Best part!! Remove the tape carefully. If your line isn't straight as mine, you can remove any smudges with a q-tip. We'll be making the line straight later on with concealer. 

13. After the best part comes the hardest part. Apply liquid eyeliner on your upper lashline. Start with a thin line, you can always make it thicker. Wing your eyeliner slightly. Then go to your inner corner and make a sharp corner. Connect the bottom with the sharp corner. Draw the line with the liquid eyeliner until about where your eyeball starts. From there you continue with the black pencil (sharpen your pencil!). Make sure you don't see any gaps between your lashes. 
So: above and inner corner till where your eyeball starts = liquid eyeliner. From there and the rest of the bottom = pencil eyeliner. 
14. Curl your lashes, add loads of mascara and/or fake lashes. 

If you've done the lining, you're done with the eyes!
This is how it looks. 

Above with flash, below without. 

15. There's no A r a b look without filling the eyebrows! I didn't fill them in too much.

16. If you look at A r a b i c women with make up, you see their skin is flaw-less. I applied two layers of foundation. After the foundation, I applied concealer under my eyes and alongside the wing to make it more neat. I saved these steps for last, so the skin can be more flawless. You can remove any fall-out and it won't spoil your flawless skin.
To complete the look I applied a peach blush on my cheekbones and a slightly pink one with a peach undertone on the apples of my cheeks. And I finishes with a nude-pink lipstick and lipgloss. Done!

Heavy look, I know! But still, I didn't want to wash my face!

Prepare for a photoshoot. I felt like an A r a b i c  p r i n c e s s.

So this was my tutorial on the A r a b i c inspired make up look. Let me know what you think!
Have you tried this look?

If you do try this look, or have tried it before, I'd love to see it!! Send me a link to the post or a picture on twitter! (@PetiteSal)

EDIT: I've changed some terms, removed some pictures and added space between the letters. The reason why I did this, is because I checked my Traffic Sources and it seems that some freaks google weird things and end up on my blog!! No way, Jose!


  1. Omg, this is soo gorgeous! My cousins wedding is coming up in a couple of weeks & I made the decision to do my make-up myself, I think I'll do something exactly like this! Except change the green to blue because my dress is a royal blue color
    I loved it, thankyou for the turorial more tutorials please <3


    1. Ah thank you, Arwa! I'm glad I could help you with the makeup! I'd really LOVE to see how it'll end up looking! Please send me a picture of the result! (If you don't want to put it online or on Twitter, you can e-mail me :)) You also got me curious about the dress! But I bet I'll see that on Instagram :-)
      Thank you for your lovely comment! I won't stop making tutorials! Glad you like them :D

  2. I don't even know what to comment! I'm blown away! Will try to recreate it! (although I don't have any pretty dresses as you do. I wish I was Moroccan :))

    XXXX Deja
    Deja Zu

    1. Oohhh thank youuuu for your kinds words, Deja!! If you recreate it, I'd love to see it! Don't forget to send me a picture! I bet you have pretty dresses too! :) X

  3. WOW! You look amazing and this look is soooo beautiful! I absolutely love your clothing and everything! Great job! I might recreate it soon :)


    1. Ah thank you so much! Send me a picture when you do! I love to see it :) Just send me the link to it or tweet it to me (@PetiteSal) You can also email me!!


  4. looks amazing¬ I love it! really like the photoshoot by the way! xx

    1. Thank you, lovely! Glad you do, I also had fun shooting myself hahaha! X

  5. Wow. You look breathtaking. Amazing job. You make the eye makeup look so easy!

    1. Thank you so much! It´s not a hard look to do, only seems like it. Also, I practiced a lot on makeup! :) X

  6. gorgeous art this is!

  7. Wow, this is such a beautiful look, and so perfectly done. I definitely think you have a talent for eye makeup! I'm pretty rubbish at it myself so usually leave my eyes quite simple, but looks like this make me want to get creative!
    Mel x

    1. Ohhh Melanie, thank you so much! Don't be so negative about yourself! Practice, play with makeup, be creative. You'll see everyone has a little makeupartist inside :) X

  8. gorgeous gorgeous eyes...
    I gotta get that same eyeliner you are using.

    1. Thank you so much! I love the eyeliner :) It's definitely my favourite! X

  9. Echt een leuke post Sal hahaha! En je ogen... Great as usual! X


    1. Dank je wel, Trudy!! Hahaha ik weet al waarom je lacht. Whateverrrr!! At least I had fun :) Thank youuu!


  10. Love arabic makeup looks! You are so pretty and i really like the way you've done the tutorial! x

    1. Ahh thank you so much, Nina, for your lovely words! I love arabic looks too, so I had to try it! X

  11. Oh my gosh this looks so beautiful!!xx

  12. Thanks for your comment! Jouw haarproducten gaan er inderdaad snel doorheen, haha.

    Hele mooie foto's trouwens! Je ziet er heel mooi uit.


  13. This is so gorgeous, great step by step photos too! xo

  14. I couldn't pull the look off, but you look stunning, and the hijab actually really suits you with the look and everything.. god that sounds a bit.. off. *shakes head* You get what I mean.. I hope! Lol

    Lizzums x

    1. Thank you! I get what you mean haha you're such a sweetheart!!! X

  15. Hihi you really love to practice yes! But nice tutorial, the make-up looks good on you! Xoxo

  16. Oh my god, incredible!

  17. thanks for always reading mine, dear<3

  18. Absolutely beautiful. Brilliant tutorial!! I'll me trying this soon x

    1. Thank you!! If you do, share the result with me! Send me a link, tweet or email me the pictures of the result. I'd love to see it :) X

  19. This is such a gorgeous look and you have the most beautiful eyes, they are mesmerizing! x

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words and compliment!!! X

  20. Replies
    1. Hihi I guess I am! I definitely felt like one! X

  21. you have the most gorgeous lashes & eyebrows!!! I want your lashes!!! great look -- very Arabian :)) well, you would know hehe xoxox

    1. Thank you so much, Maryam! I'd rather have your creativity! After all, lashes are sold in stores, creativity isn't :) xxxxxxxxx

  22. You looked absolutely stunning and I did love this tutorial. :)


  23. I love this so much, I can't wait to try it out. I love how easy you made it. Thank you
    Rose xxx

    1. Thank you! Show me the result if you've tried it! I'd love to see it! :) X

  24. Wow, your make up looks absolutely gorgeous and so do you :)

  25. One of your really got me, because i really thought you were mad at me, so i go "what did i do wrong?" then i finished reading it completely, i'm still smiling as i'm typing. Well, you gorgeous lady, i don't wear makeup often, especially when my skin acts up. Lol, i won't stop doing makeup looks ;)

    I really love and appreciate this look, so intense and sexy. Definitely looking forward to see more looks from you doll.


    1. Haha I'm sorry for scaring you! It was something that just had to be said!

      Thank you so much, Sandra! There are many more to come! :)

  26. Very beautiful!! Now following you hun, xoxo.

  27. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, lovely ladies, for the super sweet comments!! I smiled while reading every one of them and I'm still smiling!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  28. Wauw hele gave look! Ik kwam op je blog omdat je op mijn blog een berichtje had achter gelaten. Hier ga ik zeker terug komen. Ik kan alleen niet zo goed Engels, maar dat houd me niet tegen. Daar leer ik van en aangezien ik weet dat je Nederlands bent antwoord ik wel in het Nederlands :) Leuke blog!

  29. woouw love it! you look amazing!

  30. damn girl! your eyes look fabulous! i have got to try this :) great post love

    Alexa <3

  31. Love this hun, your eyes are beautiful.


  32. Gorgeous eyes!!


  33. omg- such a hottie!!

  34. love this look! So very arab and I love your takchita <3

  35. This is amazing!! brilliant arabic look :D

  36. Thank you for the lovely words, ladies!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  37. Freaking amazing eye makeup!
    Thanks for the visit and comment.

  38. OMG thats sooo pretty!!
    Awesome blog.. I'm ur new follower.. wud love if u visited my blog too xx


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