
Curls just wanna have fun!

Lately I get a lot of compliments and comments on my hair. I think it's because you can finally see results of how much I take care of my hair. In 3 days, about 8 women have approached me to ask me things about my hair. What do I use to keep it so healthy? How do I take care of it? Do have any tips? Of course I do!
Today I'll be talking about my hair routine.

I have natural curly hair. I have a lot of hair and it's very thick. I often get the question if I have extensions. No, I don't have any extensions. My hair is just very thick and it grows way too fast!
Keep in mind that curly hair is different than "normal" hair. Curly hair is often dry. To have beautiful, healthy curls, you have to take good care of your hair!

A while ago I shared some tips for curly hair. So for tips, read that post. Today I'll just go through my hair routine step by step.

When I wash my hair, I almost always use a shampoo and conditioner for curly hair. I've really noticed a difference between shampoo for "normal" hair and for curly hair. When I use a shampoo for curly hair, my curls are more defined and less frizzy.

I just shampoo my hair, rinse really well and then use conditioner. When I applied my conditioner, I comb my hair and let the conditioner in for a minute or 3-4. Then I rinse my hair, but leave just a little conditioner in my hair. I don't rinse it all out, because my hair can use some extra conditioning. Tip: don't wash your hair daily. Curly hair is very delicate and dry. I wash my hair about 2-3 times a week. Sometimes once a week. When you notice your curls are getting less beautiful, just wet your hair a little.

This is the shampoo I used for a while, but it's discontinued!!!! I LOVE these products! They leave my hair so soft and my curls are so defined and frizz free. It's a house brand from a local drugstore. Usually I'm not a fan of house brands, but I found this by accident and it's definitely one of the best products I've EVER used. Even better than that crap they sell you at the hairdresser. 

So I got back to the shampoo and conditioner I've always used. I use this for over 4 years now. I've used many other products, but I keep falling back on these. I don't know if Andrélon sells internationally. It's not a WOW-brand, but it does its work properly. It's not like the shampoo and conditioner above. Unfortunately. But it's still a great product. 

When I style my curls, I keep my curls moisturized. Firstly I feed my curls with a good cream and then I use a mousse to define my curls. 
I've tried many products, believe me. But this is the combination that works best for me. Don't believe what most hairdressers tell you. Curls are hard to take care of and some hairdresser with straight hair doesn't know how to take care of curls. Did you know that I often give tips to my hairdressers? And they're professionals, really. Weird huh?

These are the products that I use. After washing my hair, I put a towel on my head. I leave it for a minute or 5, until it's towel dry. First I apply a generous amount of the leave-in conditioner, especially in the ends. Then I put some of the mousse in my hair. 
The leave-in conditioner contains sheabutter and coconut. 
The mousse is of a house brand, once again. I don't know what it is, but I noticed that the 'professional' lines of house brands are really good! I love using this mousse. It's a soft mousse, as if it has oils in it. You only need a small amount and it doesn't make your hair hard.

That's it, that's all I use. Mostly I let my hair air dry, but when I´m in a hurry or when I want extra volume, I blow dry my hair with cold air and a diffuser. And when I don't wash my hair, I wet it a little and put a small amount of the products in my hair to prevent frizz. 
But to keep my hair healthy and beautiful, I put a little extra effort in it. Once a week or two weeks, depends on my time schedule, I do a hair mask. What works best for me are all natural masks (oils). Usually I do an olive oil mask. This pretty much works for every hair type! I just put a generous amount of olive oil in my hair, comb it through, leave it in for 1 or 2 hours and then rinse it out. I buy my olive oil at foreign shops, not at the supermarket. 
Sometimes I skip the olive oil and use Argan oil. This oil is heavenly! I use it for my skin too. It's quite expensive, so I don't use it very often. When I've used it, it leaves my hair (and skin) silky soft!

A little bottle of Argan oil. I don't know where it's from, because my mom bought it for me. I think it's from a Moroccan store or maybe the market. I really have no idea!

These were the products I use for my hair on a daily base. Sometimes I try new products, but eventually I always fall back on these. It took me a while before my hair got this healthy, because you don't see results immediately. Two years ago my hair was a mess! I'm glad I finally found the routine that works for me!

I used to straighten my hair every day a few years ago. Now I love my curly hair more than straight hair. If I can do it, you can do it! Throw that flat iron away and rock them curls!


  1. Your is beautiful! I love how defined the curls are :) I have very thick and long hair too and its quite difficult to maintain the frizz at times but I have found myself a routine too now! I love using argan oil as well as mustard oil :) haha I used to straighten my hair loads like two years ago but I hardly ever do it now! It's so damaging:( xxx

    1. Thank you for your kind words! And I have to say, I have never tried mustard oil! I'm going to do some research about it, thanks! X

  2. I'm definitely gonna try these tips!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your hair and would love it if it were at least 1/8 the same as yours! >.<

  3. You do have very beautiful curls dear!!! Love the tips!!

  4. Hi lovely:)

    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Check it out on my blog right here:

    xoxo, Dascha

  5. You have indeed very pretty hair!


  6. Looks like you got some great hairquality!

    Now you can find a new post at my blog :D'

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

    / L from sweden

  7. Your curls are tooo good! Love your writings dear, there were too many days I woke up wishing I had curly hair, oh well :D

    Arwa ♥

  8. Your hair sure looks amazing! I really need to get me some argan oil!

  9. You look gorgeous Sal and your hair looks amazing! I have naturally straight hair so in comparison my haircare routine is very different from yours. For me there's a fine line between moisturizing my hair too much (which will make my hair so flat and heavy) or not moisturizing it enough. I remember one of my hair stylists gave me the same tip you shared in this post: to only rinse out about 90% of the conditioner and to leave some of it in for moisture.
    In regards to the company that discontinued the curl shampoo and conditioner you loved, I find that many companies have discontinued particular products I really loved for no apparent reason. Whenever that happens I always think, "sheesh was I the only one that really loved and bought the product?" LOL
    Great review Sal! I'm sure your tips will help a lot of girls with curly hair. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Karen! Every hair type needs its own routine. That's what makes it hard for us girls to find the right one! I'm still upset about the discontinued products, but unfortunately I can't do anything about it! I appreciate your kinds words! X

  10. Great post, I've started to wear my hair curly recently more often than usual, I've heard argan oil is great for hair, I'm going to try it out. Love this post! X

    1. Thanks! And good luck! Let me know how it works for you. I'd love to hear about it! X

  11. I <3 your curls! Om jaloers op te zijn haha.


  12. hehe i love your curls - i wish i was curly :)

  13. Great post, i have curls too so this post is really useful for me :) I use Argan oil too..and i love it!! :)

    Love your blog, new follower! :)

    Beauty Blog: Me and my Cousin

  14. Love the title :) Great hair !! You look fabulous, I love curly hair

    Nice blog

    Bisous from France

  15. Your curls are perfect, how I wish my curls were as pretty as yours!

  16. thanks for this tips !! I totally love your hair :))

    I follow you <3

  17. omg!! you look super pretty!

    Great review! I have curly hair too, now i wanna try some of these products! thnx!!!

  18. I´m sure everyone says this but... : Your hair is lovely! :)
    Kisses, cutie! :)

  19. You have really stunning hairs!! Great tips! I do not have such curly hairs but I think I can use it as well:)

    Hope you visit me on my blog

  20. Thanks for the sweet compliments and the lovely comments, girls!! ♥ X

  21. Thank you for this post!! I need to do some of this for this hay of hair I have sitting on my head. xx

    1. I hope it worked out! Let me know how the tips have helped you :) X

  22. gosh you are so beautiful darling!!! and your hairrrrr omg I want your hair, I've wanted your hair all my life!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Maryam!!! You can have some, in trade for your skin and smile!! X

  23. Your hair is beautiful, it must be easy to manage.

    Style Drum.

    1. Thank you! It's not that easy to manage, unfortunately. It takes a lot of effort and time to get it this healthy! Thanks for your comment xx

  24. You do have amazing hair, to be fair!
    Mel x

  25. Omg I don't know any of these these brands because we don't have them in the uk! But then again I still believe your hair is just naturally lovely and curly without the products!! I don't think I could get my curls to be more defined! Off to read your tips x

    1. Sorry, most of them are brands from the Netherlands! I'm trying more international products lately and I'll let you know if I like something :) Without any products it's not that lovely haha, it's just one coupe du frizz! Since I take more care of it, it's not that bad anymore, luckily. Try the tips I sent you! It takes a while before you see any results, but it's worth the wait and patience! :) X


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