
All the curly ladies, all the curly ladies

Curls are a world of a difference. If you have curly hair, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Every day it's a gamble; how will my curls turn out today? It's more stressful than a game of poker, trust me! For years I didn't know how to cope with my curls and therefore a flat iron was my best friend. I think this sounds familiar too for most curly ladies. Today I share some of my tips to handle your beautiful curls!

Seven years ago when I went to the hairdresser. My hair was dead, gone, terrible, because of straightening. I cut my long hair (it reached my butt) into.... an afro! I almost lost my natural curl because of straightening and I'm so glad I cut my hair back then! Since then I embrace my curls and I love them more than ever! Especially since I know how to handle the stubborn curl.

It came to my notice that there are a lot of posts about hair on most blogs, but little about curls. I mean real curls and not wavy hair. Here are a few tips to keep your curls beautiful, healthy and (almost) frizz free. Most of these tips work for wavy hair too.

  • Use hair products for curls or dry hair. Sounds logical, but not everyone does this. Use a shampoo and conditioner especially for curly hair. 
  • In my opinion this is the most important tip. When your hair is dry: DO NOT COMB!!! Unless you want to have a cotton candy hairdo, that's up to you, you know.. Detangle your hair in the shower when you put a conditioner in it. If you really want to detangle it when it's dry, use your fingers. 
  • Moisturize your hair! Use a cream or a light oil for your hair, before you style it. Curly hair is very dry and it needs to be moisturized.
  • Try not to use a gel, unless it's especially for curly hair. A gel dries out your hair. Mousse too, but not that bad as a gel. It's better to use a cream or light oil/serum.  Scrunch your hair for extra volume and better development of your curl.  
  • When you want to use a mousse, use one for curly hair. For extra volume, put the mousse in your hair while holding your head upside down. And again, scrunch your hair. 
  • Let your hair air dry. If you're in a hurry, you can blowdry it with a diffuser, with cold air.
  • Washing your hair every day is not a good idea in any case, but with curls it's a big no no. Your hair will get dry, while it's already a dry hair type. I've noticed this myself. It's best to wash your curls once a week. When you want to style your hair, just make it wet and put just a little product in it. There's already product in your hair from last time you styled it!
  • A hair mask once a week does miracles to your hair! I use an all natural hair mask: olive oil! The results are amazing afterwards. Put some olive oil in your hair. If your hair get greasy easily, avoid scalp. If not, use it on your scalp, because olive oil does miracles to dry and damaged skin (and hair). I bet your scalp can use some hydration and nutrition! Let the olive oil in your hair for at least a half hour. Tip when you want to wash it out: put shampoo on your hair, before you wet your hair. Shampoo it for two or three times. You can also shampoo it once and leave a little olive oil in your hair. I can do a post about this olive oil mask later on, if you want to. 
  • Cut your hair in layers to have beautiful, bouncy curls. Go to an ethnic hairdresser who knows how to deal with curly hair. 
  • Last but not least: take good care of your hair. Curls need more attention and more love than straight hair. 

Ladies, embrace your beautiful, sexy curls! You have no idea how many women are jealous of our hair and how many men think curls are sexy.
Who run the world? Curls!

After using the olive oil hair mask


  1. I absolutely LOVE your hair, they're absolutely amazing!
    I have wavy hair and I used to straighten them ALL the time..
    Lately I've been trying to embrace my natural hair and I'm receiving tons of compliments!
    Great tips btw! xx

    1. Aahh thank you!! :) xx

      Wavy and curly hair appears more natural, especially when it's your natural hair. That's why it looks good on you and you receive all the compliments! Throw away the straightener and wave your hair like you just don't careeee

      Hope the tips were useful! :)


  2. I absolutely love your curly hair!!! I have the totally opposite hair than yours, mine is straight and I always like to curl it except I don't do a very good job at it!! and I totally agree with your that olive oil is the BEST hair mask, it does absolutely repairs my hair :) Awesome post!!

    1. Thanks so much! And I think your hair is beautiful! One big pro of straight hair: no bad hair days. And if so, just put in in a bun or ponytail.
      Olive oil is a gift from heaven. It does things to my skin and hair that nothing else can!

  3. And I am one of those women who is jealous of your curls. Your hair looks really good. Mines is more sorta wavy, it's not a pain to look after but it looks nowhere as good as yours :P


    1. Ah thanks, dear! I think wavy hair is beautiful too; it has something really natural. As if you just came from the beach :)


  4. I just stumbled across your blog and I gotta say I am jelly! Look at those sexy curls <333! My hair is 1 of those straightest of the straight hair <(u.u<) .. Great tips!

    Would you like to follow each other? :D

  5. Seems like you have the exact same curls as me.
    I love how u give these tips. Unfortunately a lot of girls do not know how to handle their curls.
    Your tips look very familiar to me, hihi.
    And it's true.
    Everyday is a huuuuge surprise: What will my curls look like today ;-). That's nice though...

    1. It's true, a lot of girls don't know how to handle their curls! Such a waste. I hope that my tips saved at least one girl from damaging her hair with an flat iron or hiding her curls in a bun.
      Our hair is very similar indeed! You have smaller curls though, very beautiful! :)


  6. Adore your hair, you look gorgeous.


  7. Jou haar is zo prachtig hè, zou willen dat ik van die mooie krullen had!Maar kan me wel voorstellen dat het veel werk is..

    En heb je nou al zo'n shirtje gevonden? Ik bedoelde deze van Mango : .. fijn hè zo'n lange link ;) Zoals ik al zei, wel heel anders maar vond 'm erg leuk voor zo'n klein prijsje!

    Liefs X

    1. Ah, dank je wel!! Het is inderdaad veel werk en het heeft even geduurd voor het er zo gezond uitzag.

      Het shirtje kon ik niet vinden, maar bedankt voor de link! Hij is inderdaad errrug leuk; vooral de zwarte! Thanksss! Heel lief dat je aan me dacht :)


  8. Your hair is so beautiful! My hair is just so puffy and huge, not exactly wavy and curly but I'm happy with it! I prefer curly over straight hair. :-)

    1. Ah thank you!! I prefer curly over straight as well, but some girls rock the straight hair so good! I like to straighten my hair too every once in a while, but I've noticed that I just don't know how to handle it and that I miss my curls haha! X

  9. great tips! I pretty much have the same philosophy towards my hair too (which is like a weird hybrid between wavy and curly). I've been using this aveda hair oil that my stylist introduced me too, and it's been amazing. Also have you tried sally hershburger products? I have this mousse which has been amazing!

    1. Thanks! I haven't tried anything of Aveda or Sally Hershburger, but I'll ask my hair dresser as soon as I see her again! I'd love to see if these products will actually add something to my thick, stubborn hair! Thanks for your comment! X

  10. sheesh! i wish i had curly hair! mine is boring straight.. lol
    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Ah thank you! No hair is boring! I can tell you that you can do a lot more with your hair than I can :) For example, a messy braid will end in a disaster with my hair haha! X

  11. You have gorgeous hair Sal! I think this post will be so helpful for others with curly hair.
    I have rather fine but very straight hair. I do use a lot of moisturizing hair products but once in awhile I have to use a clarifying shampoo or else my hair will weigh down and I'll get a bad case of "helmet hair" haha The main issue for me is getting some volume in the crown of my hair ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Karen! I hope it is, because that was my goal!
      That's the difference between fine, straight hair and thick, curly hair and also why you have to treat every hair type differently. It's always important to moisturize your hair, but you have to set the amount four yourself. Try blowdrying upside down! It helps for me, when I have my non-volume days :) Thanks for your comment! X

  12. I wish i had hair like yours so that i dont have to buy fake hair anymore LOL! Thanks for the comment sallllllllyyyy! Swing by soon! ;)


    1. Thank you so much, Truuuuue! LOL I wish I had seen this earlier hahaha! I never forget the time we went "hair shopping" omg experience of a lifetime!
      I will! X

  13. Thank you so much for the tips! Looks like you really do take care of your hair - which is why it's so silky looking and defined! I used to do the olive oil cream mask every week when I was younger because my mum used to do it for me - but I'm definitely going to start again! X

    1. No problem, lovely! I do! I used to neglect my hair, because I thought it was hopeless, but I really regret those days. Listen to your wise mummy's advice and start using the olive oil mask again haha! It'll do so much for your hair, doesn't matter the hair type :) X

  14. Curls all the way!
    Love your hair Sal.
    LiLi Xx

  15. You have the most gorgeous hair! Mine is very thick, dry and curly too and looks great when the curls behave themselves but it's not often they do! I already follow most of your tips but I'll be trying an olive oil mask soon!

  16. I'm so glad you mentioned the once a week hair wash. It sounds gross to my straight haired friends but it is so much better for my curly barnet. It also means my products last for longer as I apply them less often! Although I do love the smell of my hair after I've put my curl enhancing products on it.
    I find using using a shampoo and conditioner for lightweight hair works well too as it isn't so heavy so it doesn't weight down my curls.

    Check out my blog at



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